The set of query messages common to all ADOs in the Andromeda Logic Library.
All of the ADOs can call the base query messages found in the AndromedaMsg.
AMP ADOs are the only ADOs that do not implement the AndromedaQuery base queries.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
Owner {},
OwnershipRequest {},
Type {},
KernelAddress {},
OriginalPublisher {},
BlockHeightUponCreation {},
Version {},
ADOBaseVersion {},
AppContract {},
Permissions {
actor: AndrAddr,
limit: Option<u32>,
start_after: Option<String>,
PermissionedActions {},
#[cfg(feature = "rates")]
GetRate { action: String },
Queries the owner of the contract.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
pub struct ContractOwnerResponse {
pub owner: String
Returns the owner that has a request to take ownership of the ADO.
An OwnershipRequest is present when UpdateOwner is called.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
OwnershipRequest {},
A struct that returns the address that has the ownership offer for the ADO.
pub struct ContractPotentialOwnerResponse {
pub potential_owner: Option<Addr>,
pub expiration: Option<MillisecondsExpiration>,
"expiration": "1717430894672"
The address that has been offered ownership of the ADO.
When the ownership request expires. Specified as a timestamp in milliseconds.
Queries the ADO type.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
Type {}
pub struct TypeResponse {
pub ado_type: String,
Queries the kernel address of the chain the ADO is deployed on.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
KernelAddress {},
Returns a String containing the contract address of the Kernel.
Queries the block height when the ADO was created.
pub enum AndromedaQuery{
BlockHeightUponCreation {},
pub struct BlockHeightResponse {
pub block_height: u64,
"block_height": 2000134
The block height at the time of creation of the ADO.
Queries the version of the ADO.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
Version {}
pub struct VersionResponse {
pub version: String,
"version": "0.1.0"
Queries the version of the andromeda-std..
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
ADOBaseVersion {},
pub struct ADOBaseVersionResponse {
pub version: String,
Returns the address of the App ADO that instantiated the ADO.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
AppContract {}
The struct containing the address of the App ADO.
pub struct AppContractResponse {
pub app_contract: Addr,
The address of the App that instantiated the ADO.
Queries the orginal address that published/instantiated the ADO.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
OriginalPublisher {}
pub struct PublisherResponse {
pub original_publisher: String,
The original address that instantiated/published the ADO.
Queries the permissions set for the specified actor address.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
Permissions {
actor: AndrAddr,
limit: Option<u32>,
start_after: Option<String>,
The address we are checking permissions for.
Optional limit to the number of permissions returned. Defaults to 25 and can be set to a maximum of 50.
Optional permission to start after. Used for pagination.
Returns a vector of the PermissionInfo struct containing all the permissions for the actor.
pub struct PermissionInfo {
pub permission: Permission,
pub action: String,
pub actor: String,
The permission that the actor was given.
The action or message that the permission is for.
The address that has these permissions.
Queries the actions or execute messages that are permissioned in the ADO.
The actions that are permissioned are the ones that have PermissionAction called on them.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
PermissionedActions {},
Returns a Vector of String containing the actions that are permissioned.
Only available to the ADOs that implement rates.
Queries the rates applied for the specified action.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
Rate { action: String },
Returns a rate struct containing the configurations of the rate.
Queries all the rates applied on an ADO.
Only available to the ADOs that implement rates.
Queries the rates applied for the specified action.
pub enum AndromedaQuery {
AllRates {},
pub struct AllRatesResponse {
pub all_rates: Vec<(String, Rate)>,
A vector containing the name of the action and its applied rates.
Last updated