Importing/Exporting Data

The examples here are performed using the App Builder. The same methods can be used using the ADO builder. The export buttons are found next to the publish button in the ADO builder.

There are several options to export a build:

Exporting to CLI

If unfimiliar with the Andromeda CLI, you can read about it here.

Builds/Panels can be exported to the Andromeda CLI to be published to the chain. By selecting the "Copy CLI Command" button, a CLI command of what you have built will be created. You can then paste it in the CLI and run it.

This works with execute messages as well.

Let us go through a small example to demonstrate this. Import a template and fill it with any data:

Now, press the "Copy CLI Command" and paste in the CLI and run. The CLI will simulate the transaction with an approximate Fee cost and will prompt if you want to proceed with the transaction:

Once you accept, the transaction is broadcast to the chain and the app that was created with all the data and information will be on chain.

Downloading to Device

Using the Export button, you can save a build to your device. When pressed, a .flex file will be downloaded. This file will contain whatever panels/configurations/Apps you had on the canvas. The file can be shared with others and loaded to the web-app on a later date.

Let us go through a quick example on exporting a build. Select a template and fill in the fields with any data:

Now save the build by pressing the Export button and giving the file a suitable name:

Open a new blank canvas and select the Load button on the top left of the screen:

Once selected, you will need to select the file to load in. Select the .flex file you just downloaded and voila, you are back where you left of.

Exporting Using URL

The last method for exporting a build is using a URL. This method is the fastest way to share a build with someone. Just select the Copy Flex URL button and share it. The receiving party can just paste it in their search engine opening a canvas of the build.

Last updated