Setting Up your Wallet

Andromeda uses Keplr integration with our web-app to easily connect your wallets and start building. This document will serve as a guide to connecting your Keplr wallet to our web-app if unfamiliar with the steps.

If you already have a Keplr wallet, you can directly go to the Connecting to the Web App section.

The steps that we will cover are also found in video format:

Downloading the Keplr Extension

First step we need to do is download the Keplr extension to our browser. You can download the extension from their site:

Chose the approprate extension to download based on your browser:

Keplr only supprts Chrome and FireFox browsers.

Create a Wallet

After downloading the extension, open it

If you already have an account, you can chose to import it. You will be prompted to add the account info and then your account will be connected.

Press “Create new account” to create a new keplr wallet. Choose a username and password for the account. Do not share the mnemonic with anyone and always save it in a safe place since it is the only way to recover your wallet.

You will be quickly prompted in the next page to enter the mnemonic that you have saved. Do so and select “Register”. Once you do you, the account should be setup:

After having installed and created your Keplr account, go to to add an ANDR address to your Keplr wallet.

Connecting to the Web-App

This is the URL for the mainnet version of the web-app. If you are looking to build on testnet first, you can use . You can also switch between the two as seen here.

Now that you have the Keplr extension up and running, you still need to connect to the web-app. Go to, then connect your wallet, select ANDR under 'select a chain', and agree to terms and conditions.

Getting Testnet Tokens

If you are using the testnet, you will need some tokens to be able to build your Apps. For the Andromeda chain, you can get tokens from the web-app by selection ANDR Faucet from the dashboard. It will redirect you to another page where you can request tokens for your address:

Here just paste your Address that you want to send tokens to and press "Send me tokens" button.

Switching between Mainnet and Testnet

Before publishing any app on mainnet, it is recommended to build it first on the testnet to make sure the Application you have built works as expected without having to spend any real funds. You can switch between the two options by pressing on the "Testnet" or "Mainnet" buttons in the top right:

Last updated