The above command will generate an output similar to:
Current chain config
Key Value Description
addressPrefix stars The prefix for all addresses on chain
blockExplorerTxPages${txHash} URLs to block explorers for the given chain. Must include '${txHash}'
blockExplorerAddressPages${a… URLs to block explorers for the given chain. Must include '${txHash}'
chainId elgafar-1 The ID of the chain to use
chainUrl The URL of the chain to use
chainName Stargaze The name of the chain
chainType testnet The chain type
defaultFee 0.025ustars The default fee amount
iconUrls [object Object]
kernelAddress stars1hjm0vy35m9jhy8wjpldmaxv3yq3ctmzmpdfm9z0fscpv9zegpgqq5umjt0 The contract address of the Andromeda Kernel
name stargaze-testnet The name of the chain config used
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> chain copy galileo3 test
- Loading config...
Config loaded!
- Connecting client...
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> chain list
Name Chain ID
elgafar1 elgafar-1
pisco1 pisco-1
sei-network atlantic-1
injective injective-888
galileo3 galileo-3
test galileo-3
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> ()
When you copy a config, the wallets from the copied config are also copied to the new one.
Gets the value for the specified key. The keys are the ones found above when we call chain config (chainId, chainUrl, ect...)
chain get <key>
If the <key> is not specified, then the entire config will be fetched.
//Get the chainName of the chain
? $main@elgafar-1> chain get chainName
Current chain config
Key Value Description
chainName Stargaze The name of the chain
Lists all the saved configs.
chain list
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> chain list
Name Chain ID
elgafar1 elgafar-1
pisco1 pisco-1
sei-network atlantic-1
injective injective-888
galileo3 galileo-3
The chain currently is use is highlighted in green.
Creates a new config.
chain new <name>
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> chain new tutorial
You will be prompted to enter the required config fields. We can then query the configs:
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> chain list
Name Chain ID
elgafar1 elgafar-1
pisco1 pisco-1
sei-network atlantic-1
injective injective-888
galileo3 galileo-3
tutorial elgafar-1
Removes a config by name or chain ID.
You can only remove configs that have been added and not default configs.
chain rm <config name>
? keplr-g3@galileo-3> chain rm tutorial
Swaps to one of the saved configs.
chain use <chainId/name>
// Get a list of chains saved. elgafar-1 is currently used.
? guide@elgafar-1> chain list
Name Chain ID
elgafar1 elgafar-1
pisco1 pisco-1
sei-network atlantic-1
injective injective-888
galileo3 galileo-3
example galileo-3
// Set galileo-3 as the config to use using the ID.
? guide@elgafar-1> chain use galileo-3
⠂ Loading configs...
– Loading config...
Config loaded!
⠂ Connecting client...
? user@galileo-3> ()
//Set elgafar-1 as the config to use using the name.
? user@galileo-3> chain use elgafar1
- Loading configs...
– Loading config...
Config loaded!
- Connecting client...
? guide@elgafar-1> ()
CLI Configs
You can get all the configs from the CLI by running chain config.