
This document is a guide to start using the Andromeda CLI.

The CLI is an all in one tool


To install the Andromeda CLI, run the following command to download our npm package:

Make sure you have npm installed.

sudo npm i -g @andromedaprotocol/cli

We use sudo since we are installing globally using the -g flag.

If you have the package already installed, you can run the following to update to the latest version:

sudo npm update -g @andromedaprotocol/cli

Then run andr to open the CLI:

You can run "version" in the CLI to check the CLI version you have downloaded.

CLI Commands

Now that we have the CLI open, we can start exploring some of its functions which include:

  • Generating keys and managing wallets.

  • Swap between chains with one command.

  • Interact with the chain of your choice

  • Query using our GraphQL server.

The Andromeda CLI is built to work with any of the chains that Andromeda is deployed on. This would remove the need for users to learn how to deploy contracts on each of the chains allowing them to use this CLI to interact with ADOs anywhere on the Cosmos ecosystem.

Deployed Chains

Testnets are currently disable in CLI but will be added very shortly.

To get the list of chains that are integrated with the Andromeda system, run:

chain list

Getting Started

The first thing to do in the CLI is to choose the chain config and wallets to use.

By default the CLI uses mainnet.


chain use 

You will be prompted to choose a chain config from a list:

The chain Ids are the same as the ones for the testnets they correspond to.

You can also create your own chain config using the chain new command.

? Input the chain ID to use: (Use arrow keys or type to search, tab to autocomplete)
❯ andromeda 

Choose the chain config that you want to use. Then we need to add a wallet. We run:

This creates a new wallet address. If you already have an address, you can import it to the CLI using the recover flag.

wallet add 

Make sure to save the seed phrase somewhere private and secure as it is the only way to recover your wallet.

You will be prompted to select the wallet name.

If you are using a testnet config make sure to send some tokens to your new address from the corresponding testnet faucet (Usually on discord).

CLI Display

You will notice something similar to ? user@galileo-3> in the CLI. This signifies which wallet and chain-Id are currently in use. It is formatted in the following way:

? $<Wallet>@<ChainId>>

Switching to Testnet

You can switch from testnet to mainnet using the same process.

Switching to a testnet is a two step process:

  1. Set the graphql url to point to testnet by running:

gql url set

Then select TESTNET from the options.

  1. Select the chain to use by running:

chain use

Then select the testnet chain to connect to.

Start Exploring

We can start off by running andr --help to see what are the available commands.

andr --help 

Or just:


The --help flag can be used after any command to get information on the command.

You will get a list of available commands to use:

It is important to note that the CLI has been designed to prompt the user for the required fields in each command. This means that it is sufficient to write the command without the fields and the CLI will prompt you to fill in the inputs one by one instead of throwing an error.

Last updated

Additional Resources
